Call Sales Leads Fast

This is a quick story about who closes more sales. I made two calls about my rotator cuff injury. It took the first chiropractor I called 24 hours to return my call. They called right as I arrived for my appointment with the second chiropractor I … [Continue reading]

Pinterest, Pinning Before You Follow

  Modified this post to explain that if you are interested in creating awareness about something (a cause, a product, job searching) this post is highly applicable. Before you follow your friends, prospects, prospective employers, here is … [Continue reading]

Sales Leads Are Like Salads

Sales Leads Have a Very Short “Shelf Life”  Imagine a fresh leafy salad, ready to be consumed. Now imagine walking away from your salad for a few hours. Can you imagine how “fresh” your salad will be when you return? Probably not, … [Continue reading]

14 Second Rule

I was chatting with an affable guy on Facebook and he told me about his new project. I like him and I want to view his daily content. My fear is that his content will take me longer than 14 seconds to consume. I have business goals to meet and … [Continue reading]

Don’t Be A Brick Wall

  A brick wall is where things stop. Nothing happens. Don't be a brick wall. Your network is a garden. Plant seeds (attend events and meet new people), water the plant (reach out to these new people immediately then follow up … [Continue reading]